Zakara, Caulfield

A HUGE Thank you to Tom!

My pup improved "leaps and bounds" after one training session!

My 20 week old Rottweiler pup was constantly nipping - not aggressive but cheeky. Defiant to all the "tricks" I knew to diffuse this behaviour and not responsive to suggestions from other Rotty breeders or dog trainers at Obedience school.

On the recommendation from a friend I found Tom. What a blessing ! Tom's knowledge and understanding specific to my breed was outstanding. Tom exudes much passion for his profession - without arrogance.

Many profess to be experts but are not..... I've owned Rottweilers for over 30 years. Tom explained how some training techniques have changed over this time.

Tom's meticulous explanations, handling demonstration and covering many more aspects of training than my one issue, resulted in the week following at Obedience Class, the instructor exclaiming 'Magnificent !" at the massive improvement in my dog's ability and behaviour. Unbeknown to him, it was due to Tom's teaching and expertise.  

The saying " You can't teach an old dog new tricks"- may or may not be true . However, You CAN teach a beginner or experienced handler new tips and tricks!

Marianne & Zakara , Caulfield